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Home / Membership Info / Sailing Instructions 2024
Home / Membership Info / Sailing Instructions 2024

Sailing Instructions 2024

Margate Yacht Club Sailing Rules 2024

1. Rules:

Racing shall be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2021 - 2024, the prescriptions of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), the appropriate class rules and these Sailing Instructions. In the event of conflict these Sailing Instructions shall prevail.

2. Entries:

2.1; Members whose subscriptions or boat park fees are in arrears will not be scored in Club races.

2.2; Non-members may sail in up to three races per calendar year but will not be scored in Club races.

2.3; All craft under the aegis of the club must bear and maintain third party insurance to the minimum of £2,000,000.

3. Safety:

3.1; The safety of a boat and her entire management, including the decision to race or continue racing, shall be the sole responsibility of the competitor(s). Neither the provision of support boats and crews nor the decision of a Race Officer to start or continue a race shall absolve a boat of these personal responsibilities.

3.2; No race may take place, or continue if already started, without the provision and maintenance of adequate safety boat facilities. Competitors must obey the instructions of safety boat crews and abandon boats if necessary.

3.3; Personal Floatation Devices (PFD) must be worn by competitors at all times afloat.

4. Notice to Competitors:

Any notices to competitors will be posted on the notice board in the Arches.

5. Signals and Changes to Sailing Instructions:

5.1; Any changes to these sailing instructions, or changes to the course to be sailed will be posted at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time and indicated by displaying flag 'L' and a single sound signal.

5.2; Any notices to competitors will be posted on the notice board in the Arches. The race box/look-out may be used to give early warning of cancellation or postponement of races.

5.3; When flag 'F' is showing from the race box/look-out, no boat is to leave the launching area. Boats already afloat should return to the shore. Failure to comply with this may result in disqualification.

6. Helm and Crew:

A helm and crew may swap boats during the course of a series without incurring a Did Not Compete penalty (see 15.4 and 15.5).

7. Signing On and Declaration:

7.1; All competitors must sign on in the Arches at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled warning signal, to declare their intention to race. Any boat taking part in a race without signing on may be scored DNC.

7.2; Races may be cancelled, at the discretion of the Race Officer, if by fifteen minutes before the scheduled warning signal less than 3 boats are signed on and ready to race.

7.3; All boats must sail under their registered sail number. In exceptional circumstances, permission to sail with a different sail number may be granted by the Race Officer and the change should be recorded on the signing on sheet prior to the race. Failure to comply may result in disqualification.

7.4; Within thirty minutes of the safety/rescue boat being retrieved all competitors must sign off declaring that all rules have been obeyed during the race. This time may be extended at the discretion of the Race Officer. Any boat not signed off within the time limit may be scored DNC.

8. Handicap, Class Racing And Starting Order:

The Sailing Committee will decide the division of classes by Portsmouth Yardstick for Handicap racing either at the start of the season or series. Separate starts may be operated and, if it is necessary to shorten course for individual handicaps or classes, then the flags assigned to each will be used. Unless approved otherwise by the Sailing Committee boats will sail under the published Portsmouth Yardstick number irrespective of the number of sailors in the boat.

9. The Course:

9.1; The plan of the course will be displayed in the Club entrance hall.

9.2; The course direction will be indicated from the race box/look-out.

9.3; If a boat fails to sail the correct course she will be scored NSC (did not sail the correct course).

9.4; If a boat sails outside the distance mark at the end of a lap, one lap will be deducted from the total laps sailed and average laps will be applied

9.5; Changes to the race may be passed to competitors orally when on the water.

10. The Start:

10.1; Rule 26 will apply for Club racing.

10.2; If there is to be more than one start, details will be displayed in the Arches.

10.3; Boats should keep clear of the start line during the start sequence for other fleets starting before them.

10.4; A boat starting later than five minutes after her starting signal may be scored as DNS.

10.5; Race box/look-out Start the starting line shall be an imaginary line between the black pole in the centre of the race box/look-out and a black pole on the pier wall, extended to an outer distance mark.

10.6; Committee Boat Start the starting line is defined as that laying between the signals of a mast on the Committee boat the centre of an orange buoy or the mast of the boat flying Flag 'M'. When on station the Committee Boat will fly a blue flag.

11. Outside Assistance:

11.1; A competitor may continue racing following assistance from a safety boat.

11.2; Coaching from a patrol boat or fellow competitor is allowed during Club racing.

These change RRS 41.

12. The Finish:

12.1; Race box/look-out Finish The finishing line is defined as between the black mast in the centre of the race box/look-out, the black mast on the pier wall and between the outer and inner distance marks.

12.2; Committee Boat Finish The finishing line is defined as that between the signal mast of the Committee Boat and the centre of the nearest mark to the Committee Boat.

13. Shortening course

13.1; Handicap races will be scheduled to last approximately 45 minutes. The course may be shortened before the time limit expires and average laps used at the discretion of the Race Officer and Sailing Secretary.

13.2; Races may be abandoned at the discretion of the Race Officer, if no boat has completed the first lap of the course within 45 minutes.

14. Protests

Protests should be delivered to the Race Officer within one hour after the finish of the last boat. Protests will be heard as soon as reasonably possible on the day or scheduled for the earliest opportunity thereafter. The Race Officer on the day will be responsible for conducting the protest hearing.

15. Scoring System

15.1; Average Lap times will be used when appropriate.

15.2; The Club shall use the low points scoring, and implement the following


Did not start



Did not finish



Did not Sail the course









Did not compete


15.3; Unless approved by the Race Officer and Sailing Secretary, a member who enters a race who has volunteered for a duty may be scored as DNS.

15.4; For the purposes of calculating the Series winners and Club Champion, the scoring of each series will be calculated on the performance of each helm irrespective of the boat sailed.

15.5; Average points may be claimed by a member who crews in a race, when they have helmed in other races in that series. Average points cannot be claimed for more than 40% of races to count.

15.6; Average points may be claimed if a member is called to perform a race duty. The Sailing Secretary must be satisfied that the boat and crew were in all respects ready and able to sail.

15.7; Average points may be claimed by a youth member (under 18) who is sailing in an open meeting or official training event away from MYC.

15.8; Average points will be calculated on the performance of that particular helm throughout that particular series, including DNC. Average points cannot be claimed for more than 40% of races to count.

15.9; The number of races to count in a series will be as follows:

Number of races

races to count
















Last updated 12:33 on 11 February 2024

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