RYA Powerboat Level 2

The RYA Power Boat Level 2 is the most popular powerboat training course and the two days over which it is run gives plenty of time for both practical instruction and theory. Powerboat level 2 course aim is to teach powerboat handling and seamanship in powerboats. The course costs £90 to MYC members, and upon completion of the course you will be able to use all three club safety boats. There is then a follow on course available to members to give instruction on operating a powerboat, RYA Safety Boat.
What Is Covered in the Course?
This course teaches you the basics of handling a powerboat including safety and navigation. It essentially provides you with the skills you need to use a Powerboat in coastal waters or charter a boat on your next holiday.
When you take the course, qualified RYA instructors will provide training on a modern and fully-equipped powerboat. Your instructor will cover the following topics with you during your 2 days with him or her:
- Launching and recovery
- Powerboat handling
- Securing to a buoy
- Anchoring
- Leaving and coming alongside
- Man overboard
The RYA theory element of the PB Level 2 course will cover the types of craft and their respective advantages and disadvantages, engines and drives, use of power tilt and trim tabs, safety checks, personal buoyancy, awareness of other water users, application of the collision regulations (IRPCS), local bylaws, towing and being towed, communication with other craft, emergency action, distress signals, fire precautions and fire fighting, and rope work. This is a classroom based element.
International Certificate of Competence
ICCs are required in many European countries when using or chartering vessels. It shows your competence and is essential to skipper a boat in the Mediterranean or European waters. The Powerboat level 2 course suits those with extensive boat handling experience and those who have never stepped onto a boat before. On completion of the Powerboat Level 2 course you can apply for your ICC.
Course Requirements
You do not need to have attended a Powerboat Level 1 Course in order to do this course. No prior boating experience or powerboat training is necessary or essential if you want to take the course, and it is open to anyone over the age of 12.
The RYA Powerboat Level 2 ICC Course suits both those with extensive boat handling experience and those who have never stepped onto a boat before.
A further consideration when attending the RYA Powerboat Level 2 ICC Course is where you take it as MYC a coastal based club we are able to award certificates with a coastal endorsement. This means that the student has learnt in conditions where tides and currents must be considered.
Attached is the RYA outline of powerboat courses.

- Power Boat Training - Theory (11 April, 19:00 - 21:00)
- Power Boat Training - Practical (12 April, 09:00 - 17:00)
Last updated 10:45 on 30 January 2025