Easter Egg Cup 2023 - Series Review

Published 12:10 on 18 Apr 2023
Easter Egg Cup 9-10 April, 4 races in total. Sunday saw light winds, sunny sky and a keen group of sailors including new member's, ready for their first outing of the year and ready to race.
Race 1
A close start with all boats vying to be first to the mark, then followed a technical race watching for wind gusts and allowing for the strong tidal flow. This caused a few boats to struggle to get to the finish causing a little controversy about finishing procedures in very light conditions.
Results Race 1 - 1st Graham National 18, 2nd Antony Osprey, 3rd Lawrence Laser 2.
Race 2
A very light wind start and an even stranger wind often dying away then reappearing from a completely different direction. Anthony and Heather in Osprey managed to get around the mark and were then whisked away on the favourable tide. Most of the others parked up on the buoy, Scorpian, ILCA, Laser 2000, and many others all tangled up with crazy no wind and strong tide.
Results Race 2 - 1st Antony Osprey, 2nd Henry Club Vision, 3rd Graham National 18.
Race 3
Monday saw a very different scene, with strong wind, gusty offshore and rain. Great start by Anthony crewed by Lawrence and Peter and Don in the Wayfarer. Richard in his ILCA struggled with gear problems and later had to retire with an exploding block. Henry sailing a Qba for the first time did really well, but the star of this race was Jacob in his Tera sport, fresh back from training the previous day and flying around the course. No spinnakers were seen and some dodgy gybes were witnessed as the conditions worsened. Peter commented later that he had never been so fast on the reach with water coming over the bow.
Results Race 3 - 1st Jacob Tera Sport, 2nd Antony Osprey, 3rd Peter Wayfarer.
Race 4
We saw increasing wind, possible gusts of 25-30 mph, very close start with Peter and Anthony crossing the line at speed followed by Henry and Jacob, Credit to all sailors for no capsizing and special mention to Henry and particularly Jacob who seemed to plane around the whole course. The sailors were pleased with a shortened course and all came in very tired but exhilarated.
Results Race 4 - 1st Jacob Tera Sport, 2nd Anthony Osprey 3rd Peter Wayfarer
Big thank you to the Race box team and Safety boat teams and great to see our new members venturing out.
Full results for each boat and times can be found under Results on this web site. HERE
- Easter Egg Cup 2023 (9 - 10 April 2023)
Last updated 12:52 on 18 April 2023