Pettman Cup Race 3 & 4

Published 14:31 on 5 Jun 2022
Race: Pettman Cup Race 3 & 4
Date: 5th June 2022
Conditions: E, Bft 4-6
Race Officer: Pat and Anita
Safety Boat: Antony, Missy and Prue (then Tim!)
Large seas made for very difficult launching conditions off the Gormley beach, the forestay on Tims' Gull snapped and he had to be towed back to the beach pre start.
Mac Dhoo racing three up had a perfect start in the first race at the Windward end of the line with Peter and Don to leeward, Paul Norman making a sneaky move into a small gap between them. Both Wayfarers got a great start off the line, following Mac Dhoo to the windward mark. The fleet split to both sides of the race course, with those taking shelter from the tide by the beach gaining a slight advantage, with Steve and Lynda holding off the Wayfarer of Peter and Don for the first lap.
A tight fetch to the second mark followed with Mac Dhoo flying the kite and Paul Norman following suit.
Lazy Daze (Vision) of Kevin completed the first lap but then had to retire due to spinnaker issues.
Both races were three laps. Getting the boats back on the beach also proved an interesting challenge with Polly Annas trolley giving way under the weight of defeat to Sylvie in Race 4 ;)
Race 3 - Pettman Cup 2022 Race 3 Results
Race 4 - Pettman Cup 2022 Race 4 Results
Series - Pettman Cup 2022
Next race will be Halfmoon Race 6 on Wednesday 8th June, the summer points series begins next Sunday (12th June).
Last updated 19:57 on 7 February 2023